HiveMQ Cloud Console

The HiveMQ Cloud console is the center of operations for all your cloud-related activities:

  • Sign up and log in to HiveMQ Cloud

  • Create, manage, and track your HiveMQ Cloud clusters

  • Edit the credentials and permissions that allow access to your HiveMQ Cloud cluster

  • Integrate your HiveMQ Cloud instance with popular data streaming services.

  • Access your HiveMQ Cloud account information

  • Find out about the latest HiveMQ Cloud-related features and improvements.

  • Follow our online Cluster Quick Start guide to set up and test a Starter cluster.

HiveMQ Cloud Sign Up / Log In

The login page of the HiveMQ Cloud console is where you sign up and log in to HiveMQ Cloud accounts.

HiveMQ Cloud Console Log In

You have the option to use your email and create a password, or use your GitHub, Google, or LinkedIn account to sign up.
After your initial sign-up, you can log in to HiveMQ Cloud directly.

When you sign up to HiveMQ Cloud, you are asked to enter basic contact details to complete your user profile.
After the initial sign-in, you can log in to your HiveMQ Cloud account directly.


HiveMQ Cloud organizations enable HiveMQ Cloud users to collaborate on HiveMQ clusters across one or more HiveMQ Cloud accounts.

When you create a HiveMQ Cloud account, a HiveMQ Cloud organization is automatically created for the account.
The user who creates the HiveMQ Cloud account is automatically assigned as the organization owner and has administrative rights for the organization.

To view the unique Organization ID of your HiveMQ Cloud account, select Profile in the main navigation of your HiveMQ Cloud console:

HiveMQ Cloud Profile

In addition to the organization associated with your own HiveMQ Cloud account, you can accept invitations to collaborate as a member of other HiveMQ organizations. To manage your organization or access other organizations that you are a part of, select Organizations in the main navigation of your HiveMQ Cloud console.

If you delete your HiveMQ Cloud user account, the organization and organization memberships associated with your account are also deleted.

Organization Settings

The Organizations | Settings tab displays the name of the organization to which you are currently signed in.

To manage your organization settings, you must have a running Starter or Enterprise cluster. Only the owner of an organization can define or change the name of the organization:
HiveMQ Cloud Organization Settings
If you are a part of one or more HiveMQ Cloud organizations, a list of the organizations in which you are a member displays in the top bar of the page. To switch organizations, select the name of the desired organization from the list.

Organization Members

The Organizations | Members tab provides the email address, status, and role for all members of the selected organization as well as management options.

To invite people to your organization, you must have a running Starter or Enterprise HiveMQ Cloud cluster. Only the owner of an organization can invite people to the organization:
HiveMQ Cloud Organization Members

The actions that are visible on the Memebers tab vary based on your role in the organization. For example, the Invite and Remove actions are only available for the Owner role and the Leave action is only available for the Admin role.

Table 1. Available Member Information
Item Description


The email address of the organization member. The email address must be unique within the selected organization.


Shows whether the user successfully joined the selected organization.


The set of permissions the member has in the selected organization.

  • Owner: The organization member with the Owner role can view, invite, and remove organization members, edit the organization name, and manage all assets in the HiveMQ Cloud account to which the organization belongs. The Owner of an organization cannot be removed.

  • Admin: Members with the Admin role can view other members of the organization and have administrative access to all HiveMQ Cloud clusters associated with the organization but are not allowed to delete a cluster. Organization members with an Admin role have the option to leave the organization at any time.

Invite Organization Members

The owner of the organization can invite an unlimited number of members to join their organization.

To invite people to your organization, you must have a running Starter or Enterprise HiveMQ Cloud cluster.

To add a member to your organization, select Invite, enter the email address of the team member with whom you want to collaborate, and select Send Invite.

  • Users who already have a HiveMQ Cloud account are added to the organization immediately without any further email notification or action required.

  • Users who do not yet have a HiveMQ Cloud account receive an enrollment email. As soon as the new user completes the HiveMQ Cloud signup, the user is automatically added to the organization.

Remove Organization Members

The owner of an organization can remove existing members from the organization at any time.

You cannot remove a member from an organization of which you are not the owner.

To remove people from your organization, you must have a running Starter or Enterprise HiveMQ Cloud cluster.

To immediately remove a member from your organization, select Remove for the desired member.

After a confirmation request, the Remove action deletes the member from the selected organization. Removal from an organization does not affect other organization memberships of the user or the HiveMQ Cloud account of the removed member.

It is not possible to remove the owner of an organization.

Leave Organization

Members can leave any organization that they do not own at any time.

To immediately leave an organization in which you have an Admin role, select Leave next to your entry on the Members tab.

After a confirmation request, the Leave action removes you from the selected organization.

The Leave action deletes the organization from the list of organizations you can access but does not affect your memberships in other organizations or your HiveMQ Cloud account.

HiveMQ Cloud Clusters

HiveMQ Cloud offers different packages to fit your needs perfectly.
The HiveMQ Cloud cluster package you select determines the features, usage limits, and price of your cluster:

To compare HiveMQ Cloud packages and benefits, take a look at the HiveMQ Cloud product overview.
If you are new to HiveMQ Cloud and need some help to get started, check out the step-by-step HiveMQ Cloud Quick Start Guides in our documentation, or follow our convenient Cluster Quick Start directly from the HiveMQ Cloud interface.

Once you sign up and log in to HiveMQ Cloud, you can select the type of HiveMQ Cloud cluster you want to create.

  1. Based on the pricing and usage information, select the plan that is right for your individual use case.
    You can create additional HiveMQ clusters at any time. For detailed information on all the features each HiveMQ Cloud plan offers, check the Compare Features section of the plan selection page.

    Cluster Creation Wizard
  2. Select Get Serverless Cluster for the HiveMQ Cloud Serverless plan or Get Started FREE for a HiveMQ Starter plan 15-day free trial.

To review the billing terms and conditions that apply to each plan see, Billing.

Your Clusters

The Your Clusters page of your HiveMQ Cloud console lists all active clusters on your account and gives you quick access to everything you need to manage your HiveMQ Cloud clusters.

To view the Cluster Details page of a specific cluster, select the Manage Cluster action on the card of the desired cluster.
Your Clusters

The cards on the Your Clusters page provide basic information and actions for each of your active HiveMQ Cloud clusters:

Item Description


The unique URL of the cluster that HiveMQ generates automatically when the cluster is created.

Port (TLS)

The secure port that your MQTT clients use to connect to your HiveMQ cluster.


The current state of the HiveMQ Cloud cluster.


The timestamp when the HiveMQ Cloud cluster was created.

Available Actions

Item Description

Create New Cluster

Opens a dialog to create a new HiveMQ Cloud cluster.

Cluster Quick Start

Opens an interactive guide to help you create a cluster and connect your first device in just a few minutes.

Manage Cluster

Opens the Cluster Details page for the selected HiveMQ cluster. Cluster details are available for each running cluster. The information provided on the cluster details overview varies based on the HiveMQ Cloud plan.

Cluster Details

The Cluster Details page of your HiveMQ Cloud cluster provides information and access management options for the selected cluster.

Use the Manage Cluster actions on the Your Clusters page to open the Cluster Details of a specific cluster.

Cluster Details Overview

The Overview tab of the Cluster Details page outlines key information for the selected cluster.

The information and actions available on the Overview tab of the Cluster Details page vary based on the HiveMQ Cloud plan type of the cluster.
Cluster Details - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

Cluster Information

Item Description

Current Plan

The type of HiveMQ Cloud package the cluster runs. The following cluster types are possible:

  • Free

  • Starter

  • Professional

  • Enterprise


The geographical location of the data center on which the cluster runs.

Cloud Provider

The cloud service provider on which the HiveMQ Cloud cluster is located. The following providers are available:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Azure

Current Tier

The subscription model of the selected plan. The available tiers vary based on the type of plan. The following tiers are possible:

  • FREE (Serverless plan only)

  • Production S (Starter plan only)


The identifier of the selected cluster.


The service integrations that are currently configured for the selected cluster. The following fully-managed integrations are available:

  • Kafka

  • Confluent Cloud

  • Amazon Kinesis

Cluster URL

The unique URL of the cluster that HiveMQ generates automatically when the cluster is created.


The secure port that your MQTT clients use to connect to your HiveMQ Cloud cluster.

WebSocket Port

The secure port that your MQTT clients use to connect to your HiveMQ Cloud cluster using WebSocket.

Current Usage

The information in the Current Usage area of the Cluster Details varies based on the type of cluster.

Item Description

MQTT Client Sessions

The current number of MQTT connections used in this billing period and the maximum number of concurrent MQTT connections the selected HiveMQ Cloud cluster allows. Actual usage can vary slightly from the cluster capacity value shown. (Serverless FREE plan, only)

Data Traffic

The current volume of data consumed in this billing period and the total volume of data the selected HiveMQ Cloud package includes per month. Actual usage can vary slightly from the cluster capacity value shown. (Serverless FREE plan, only)

Hourly usage

The current number hours used in this billing period. Actual usage can vary slightly from the value shown. (Starter plan only)

Normalized messages

The current number of messages published in this billing period. For billing purposes, only PUBLISHED messages are counted. The actual message count can vary slightly from the value shown. (Starter plan only)

Available Actions

Item Description


Opens a dialog where you can define a custom cluster URL for the selected cluster (Starter plan only). Maximum one change per 24-hour period.
The autogenerated URL of your cluster remains available. MQTT clients that are connected to your automatically generated URL remain connected.

Delete Cluster

After a confirmation request, this action permanently deletes the HiveMQ cloud cluster and all data on the cluster. This action cannot be undone.

Access Management

The Access Management tab is where you select the authentication method that controls which MQTT clients can connect to your HiveMQ Cloud cluster and define what actions the clients are authorized to perform on the cluster.

The information and actions available on the Access Management tab of the Cluster Details page vary based on the type of HiveMQ Cloud cluster. To learn more, see HiveMQ Cloud Authentication and Authorization.

To locate your Access Management options, go to Your Clusters and select Manage Cluster for the desired cluster.
On the Cluster Details page that opens, switch to the Access Management tab.

Access Management Overview- Starter Plan

Security Configuration - HiveMQ Starter Plan

HiveMQ Cloud provides advanced authentication and authorization mechanisms that help you safeguard your data, prevent unauthorized access, and maintain the overall security and integrity of your application.

The security configuration for your HiveMQ Starter plan cluster is divided into two sections:

  • Authentication: Defines the method HiveMQ Cloud uses to verifiy the identity of MQTT clients that connect to your HiveMQ Cloud broker. Authentication prevents unauthorized access and ensures that only trusted clients can perform actions on your cluster.

  • Authorization: Defines which actions an MQTT client is allowed to perform on your cluster. Authorization can be split into the concepts of roles and permissions.

Authentication Options - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

To connect an MQTT client to your cluster, you need to define the authentication method that allows the client to access the cluster.
The HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan offers three ways to ensure that only authorized devices can connect to your MQTT broker:

HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan Authentication Options

Only clients that present a known access credential, client certificate, or JSON Web Token are allowed to connect and perform actions on the selected cluster. You can choose the authentication method that fits your individual business needs.

Currently, you can only implement one authentication method at a time. It is not possible to use multiple methods simultaneously.

Authentication with Access Credentials - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

HiveMQ Cloud access credentials contain a username-password pair.
Authentication with access credentials is the default authentication method in HiveMQ Cloud.
When this authentication method is active, MQTT clients must present access credentials that you have defined to connect to your HiveMQ Cloud MQTT broker.

In HiveMQ Starter plan and above, permissions are tied to roles. When you assign one or more roles to an access credential, clients that connect to your cluster with the access credential can perform all activities that the permissions associated with the roles allow. For more information, see Role Based Access Control.

You can add and delete access credentials for your HiveMQ Cloud clusters as needed to fulfil your business needs.
For more information, see Access Credentials.

When you remove access credentials, clients that are currently connected with the credentials remain connected. During the next reconnect, the clients will no longer be able to connect to the cluster with the old credentials.

To create an MQTT credential, select Edit in the Access Credentials area of your Security Configuration.

HiveMQ Cloud Edit Access Credential
  1. In the expanded Access Credentials area, enter a Username and Password.

  2. To set the level of access and permissions the Access Credentials provide, assign a role from the Role drop down list.

  3. To add the access credential, select Save.

Create a HiveMQ Cloud Access Credential
HiveMQ Cloud _Starter_plan and above support Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for MQTT clients.
For your convenience, the HiveMQ Starter plan provides a default Allow All role that you can use to assign permissions to your credentials. The default role includes all default permissions and several additional MQTT-specific permissions. For more information, see Default Role.

When you create or edit a credential, the Access Credentials area automatically adjusts to display your changes.

All currently available MQTT access credentials for the selected cluster are listed in the Access Credentials area of the Access Management page.

Authentication with Client Certificate - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan and above support MQTT client authentication with client certificates. In MQTT, client certificate authentication can add an extra layer of security compared to other authentication methods such as username/password.

To set up client certificate authentication, select Edit in the Client Certificate area of your Security Configuration.

HiveMQ Cloud Edit Client Certificate
  1. In the expanded Client Certificate area, enter a Name for the client cetificate.

  2. Drag and drop or upload your public key certificate to the Key field.

  3. Assign a role from the Role drop down list to set the level of access and permissions the client certificate allows.

  4. Select Save to add the client certificate.

Your public key certificate provides the root Certificate Authority (CA) and allows clients to robustly prove their identity.

Client Certificate Authentication - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

You can add and remove client certificates as needed to ensure secure access.

When you change your authentication method, your previously selected authentication method is overridden. Currently-connected clients can be disconnected and could need to be reconfigured.

Authentication with JSON Web Token - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan and above support the use of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication of MQTT clients. JWTs are a widely adopted standard for representing claims between parties in a secure and interoperable manner.

In the JSON Web Token section, you can provide a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) endpoint for token validation and manage a list of claims that define the parameters of access.

To set up JSON Web Token authentication, select Edit in the JSON Web Token area of your Security Configuration.

JWT Authentication - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan
  1. In the expanded JSON Web Token area, select Add Json Web Token.

JWT Configuration - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan
  1. In the expanded JSON Web Token configuration area, enter a JWKS Endpoint .

  2. In the Claims area, enter one or more Key and Value pairs.

  3. Assign a role from the Role drop down list to set the level of access and permissions the JWT allows.

When you change your authentication method, your previously selected authentication method is overridden. Currently connected clients can be disconnected and could need to be reconfigured.

Authorization Options - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

The HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan uses the concepts of Permissions and Roles to give you fine-grained control over the actions MQTT clients that connect to your HiveMQ Cloud cluster can perform.

In HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan clusters, permissions are assigned to roles. For more information, see Permission Management.

To authorize an MQTT client to perform specific actions on your HiveMQ Cloud cluster, you assign the MQTT client a role that contains the desired set of permissions.

Authorization Permissions - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

Permissions define what actions (publish, subscribe) an MQTT client can perform on a per MQTT topic basis. In the HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan and above, you can define and attach one or more permissions to a role.

To create a permission, select Edit in the Permissions area of your Security Configuration.

HiveMQ Cloud Starter Permissions & Roles

In the expanded Permissions area, select Create new permission to open the permission configuration options.

Permission Configuration - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan
  1. Enter a Name for the permission.

  2. Define the MQTT Topic to which the permission applies. All valid MQTT topic filters, including wildcards (+,#) are supported.

  3. Add an optional Description for the permission.

  4. Use the Publish / Subscribe checkboxes to select the actions the permission authorizes.

  5. Use the Quality of Service checkboxes to select the level of message delivery guarantee the permission authorizes. You can select one or more of the available QoS levels: QoS 0, QoS 1, and QoS 2.

  6. Use the Advanced options checkboxes to define whether the permission authorizes retained messages and shared subscriptions.

  7. Select Create Permission to save your changes and add the permission to your list of available permissions.

In HiveMQ Cloud, you can enhance your MQTT topics with dynamic variables. For more information, see Dynamic Variables in MQTT Topics.
Dynamic Variables in MQTT Topics

HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan gives you the ability to dynamically customize your MQTT topics with variables based on your authentication method. The use of dynamic variables allows for more flexible and personalized data routing.

Table 2. Available HiveMQ Cloud dynamic variables
Authentication Method Variables Description

Access Credentials


Apply for user-specific topics.

JWT Claims

$(string-sub), $(string-aud), $(string-iss), $(string-scope for subject)

Apply for the audience, issuer, and scope respectively.

x509 Certificate

$(string-subject-common-name), $(string-issuer-common-name)

Appy for detailed certificate identification.



Apply to all authentication methods for client identification.

Keep in mind that MQTT special characters such as # (multi-level wildcard) and + have unique functionalities in topic filters. For more information, see MQTT Topics, Wildcards, & Best Practices.

Authorization Roles - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

Authorization in HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan and above allows you to assign one or more roles per authentication method. Each role can include one or more permissions. You define roles to group permissions in ways that match your particular use case.

To create a role, select Edit in the Roles area of your Security Configuration.

HiveMQ Cloud Starter Permissions & Roles

In the expanded Roles area, select Create new role to open the role configuration options.

Role Configuration - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan
  1. Enter a unique Name for the role.

  2. Add an optional Description of the role.

  3. Select one or more permissions from the list of available permissions in the Permissions field.

  4. To create the defined role, select Create Role.

Each role you create is added to the list of available roles in the Role field of the Authentication configuration area.

The Permissions list automatically contains a predefined HiveMQ Cloud Allow All permission and any custom permissions you create. to add more permissions to the list of available permissions, see Create Permissions (Starter plan and up).

HiveMQ Cloud Integrations

HiveMQ Cloud provides out-of-the-box, fully managed integrations that let you instantly connect your MQTT broker to popular services.

HiveMQ Cloud integrations offer a simple and straightforward way to configure data streaming between HiveMQ Cloud and the service of your choice without ongoing operational burden.

Integrations vary based on the HiveMQ Cloud plan you select.
To view the HiveMQ Cloud integrations that are currently available for a selected cluster, open the Integrations tab of your HiveMQ Cloud console.

HiveMQ Cloud Integrations for Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming platform that is widely used for real-time data pipelines, streaming analytics, and data integration at scale. MQTT and Kafka are frequently used together to enhance the functionality of IoT and machine-to-machine communication.
Common use cases include the following:

  • Data collection: Transmit MQTT data from IoT devices to a Kafka broker for further processing in a system of your choice.

  • Real-time processing: Use MQTT and Kafka to build scalable real-time data processing pipelines that can handle large amounts of incoming IoT device data.

The specific configuration and mapping options available for your Kafka integration vary based on the HiveMQ Cloud plan:

Kafka Integration Options - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

The HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan supports two fully managed Kafka streaming integrations:

  • Kafka: Stream data between your HiveMQ Cloud broker and the Apache Kafka cluster of your choice.

  • Confluent Cloud: Stream data between your HiveMQ Cloud broker and your Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster.

Switch to the Integrations tab of your HiveMQ Cloud Starter cluster and select Configure for the Kafka integration option that is right for you:

HiceMQ Cloud Integrations - Starter Plan

Kafka Integration - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

The HiveMQ Cloud Kafka integration makes it possible to move MQTT messages bidirectionally between HiveMQ Cloud and your existing Apache Kafka cluster.

  • On the Integrations tab of your HiveMQ Cloud Starter cluster, select Configure on the Kafka card.
    A page to enter your Kafka integration configuration details opens.

Kafka Integration Configuration - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

On the Kafka Integration Configuration page, you define how HiveMQ Cloud connects to a Kafka cluster of your choice and the bidirectional data flow between your HiveMQ Cloud cluster and Apache Kafka:

Kafka Integration Configuration - Starter Plan
  • In the Bootstrap Servers section, enter one or more bootstrap server URLs for the Kafka cluster to which you want your HiveMQ Cloud broker to connect.
    Use the format host:port.
    To list multiple bootstrap server URLs, enter a comma-separated string with the format host:port,host:port,…​ .

  • In the Authentication section, enter your Kafka credentials to secure the connection between your HiveMQ Cloud cluster and your Kafka bootstrap servers. Your Kafka Username and Password are required.

  • In the HiveMQ to Kafka Mapping section, define the source MQTT topic from which you want to stream messages to your Kafka cluster and the target Kafka topic to receive the MQTT messages.
    You can use + or # wildcards to match multiple MQTT topics.
    The Kafka integration automatically forwards all messages published with the source MQTT topic to the Kafka topic that you specify in the target Kafka topic input field. Both fields are required.

MQTT messages are sent with QoS 1 by default.
  • In the Kafka to MQTT Mapping section, define the source Kafka topic from which you want to forward messages to your MQTT clients.
    You can use KAFKA_TOPIC, KAFKA_KEY, or KAFKA_VALUE variables in the destination MQTT topic.
    Variables are denoted with ${} notation.
    In the generated MQTT message, the variable is dynamically replaced at runtime with specific content from the Kafka record.
    The Kafka integration automatically publishes each new message from your specified source topic in Kafka to your HiveMQ broker with the MQTT topic you define in the target topic input field. Both fields are required.

  • To enable the Kafka integration, select Save Configuration.

Creation of the integration can take a few minutes.
  • To permanently delete the enabled Kafka integration from your cluster, select Remove Configuration.
    This action removes the integration from your cluster and cannot be undone.

Confluent Cloud Kafka Integration - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

The HiveMQ Cloud Confluent Cloud Kafka integration makes it possible to move MQTT messages bidirectionally between HiveMQ Cloud and your existing Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster.

Confluent Integration Configuration - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

On the Confluent page, you define how HiveMQ Cloud connects to your existing Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster and configure the bidirectional data flow between your HiveMQ Cloud cluster and Confluent:

Confluent Kafka Integration Configuration - Starter Plan
Confluent Connection Config
  • In the Bootstrap servers section, enter one or more bootstrap server URLs for the Kafka cluster to which you want your HiveMQ Cloud broker to connect.
    Use the format host:port.
    To list multiple bootstrap server URLs, enter a comma-separated string with the format host:port,host:port,…​ .

  • In the Connection security section, enter your Kafka credentials to secure the connection between your HiveMQ Cloud cluster and your Confluent Cloud Kafka bootstrap servers. Your Confluent Cloud Kafka API Key and API Secret are required.

Confluent Topic Mapping
  • Select HiveMQ to Confluent to define the source MQTT topic filter from which you want to stream messages to your Confluent Kafka cluster and the destination Kafka topic filte to receive the MQTT messages.
    You can use + or # wildcards to match multiple MQTT topics.
    The Confluent integration automatically forwards all messages published with the source MQTT topic to the Kafka topic that you specify in the target Kafka topic input field. Both fields are required.

The Confluent integration supports throughput up to 250 MB/second. MQTT messages are sent with QoS 0 by default.
  • Select Confluent to HiveMQ to define the source Kafka topic filter from which you want to forward messages to your MQTT clients.
    The Confluent integration automatically publishes each new message from your specified Kafka source topic filter in Confluent Cloud to your HiveMQ broker with the MQTT topic filter you define in the destination topic input field. Both fields are required.

  • To enable the Confluent integration, select Create.

Creation of the integration can take a few minutes.

Kafka Integration Options - HiveMQ Cloud Serverless Plan

The HiveMQ Cloud Serverless plan supports three fully managed Kafka streaming integrations:

  • Kafka: Stream data between your HiveMQ Cloud broker and the Apache Kafka cluster of your choice.

  • Confluent Cloud: Stream data between your HiveMQ Cloud broker and your Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster.

  • Aiven: Stream data between your HiveMQ Cloud broker and your Aiven Kafka cluster.

HiceMQ Cloud Integrations - Serverless Plan
To set up an integration, go to Your Clusters and select Manage Cluster for the desired cluster. On the Cluster Details page that opens, switch to the Integrations tab.

Kafka Integration - HiveMQ Cloud Serverless Plan

The HiveMQ Cloud Kafka integration makes it possible to move MQTT messages bidirectionally between HiveMQ Cloud and your existing Apache Kafka cluster.

  • On the Integrations tab, select Configure on the Kafka card.
    A page to enter your Kafka Streaming Configuration opens.

Kafka Connection
Kafka Connection Config - HiveMQ Cloud Serverless Plan

This area defines how HiveMQ Cloud connects to a Kafka cluster of your choice:

Kafka Connection Config
  • In the Bootstrap servers section, enter one or more bootstrap server URLs for the Kafka cluster to which you want your HiveMQ Cloud broker to connect. Use the format host:port. To add multiple server URLs, use a comma-separated string with the format host:port,host:port,…​.

  • In the Connection security section, enter your Kafka credentials to secure the connection between HiveMQ Cloud and Kafka.

  • In the SASL mechanism section, select the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) mechanism your Kafka cluster uses to authenticate clients. Two options are possible:

    • PLAIN (default)

    • SCRAM-SHA-512

      When you change the SASL mechanism, the Kafka username and password that you entered are reset.
Topic Mapping - HiveMQ Cloud Serverless Plan

The Topic Mapping area of the Kafka Streaming Configuration defines the bidirectional data flow between your HiveMQ Cloud cluster and Apache Kafka:

HiveMQ to Kafka Mapping
  • Select HiveMQ to Kafka to define the source MQTT topic from which you want to forward messages to your Kafka cluster.
    The Kafka integration automatically forwards all messages published with the source MQTT topic to the Kafka topic that you specify in the destination topic input field. Both fields are required.

HiveMQ to Kafka Mapping
  • Select Kafka to HiveMQ to define the source Kafka topic from which you want to forward messages to your MQTT clients.
    The Kafka integration automatically publishes each new message from your specified source topic in Kafka to your HiveMQ broker with the MQTT topic you define in the destination topic input field. Both fields are required.

The HiveMQ Cloud Kafka integration supports a throughput of up to 250 MB per second. Messages are sent with QoS 0 by default.
  • To save your configuration and enable the integration, select Enable.

Confluent Cloud Integration - HiveMQ Cloud Serverless Plan

The HiveMQ Cloud Confluent Cloud Kafka integration makes it possible to move MQTT messages bidirectionally between HiveMQ Cloud and your existing Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster.

  • On the Integrations tab, select Configure on the Confluent card.
    A page to enter your Confluent Cloud Streaming Configuration opens.

Confluent Cloud Streaming Configuration
Confluent Connection Config

This area defines how HiveMQ Cloud connects to the selected Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster:

Confluent Connection Config
  • In the Bootstrap servers section, enter one or more Bootstrap server URLs for the Kafka cluster to which you want your HiveMQ Cloud broker to connect. Use the format host:port. To add multiple server URLs, use a comma-separated string with the format host:port,host:port,…​.

  • In the Connection security section, enter your Kafka credentials to secure the connection between HiveMQ Cloud and Kafka.

You do not need to select a SASL mechanism. Confluent handles the related settings automatically
Topic Mapping

The Topic Mapping area of the Confluent Cloud Streaming Configuration defines the bidirectional data flow between your HiveMQ Cloud cluster and your Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster:

HiveMQ to Kafka Mapping
  • Select HiveMQ to Kafka to define the source MQTT topic from which you want to forward messages to your Kafka cluster.
    The Confluent integration automatically forwards all messages published with the source MQTT topic to the Kafka topic that you specify in the destination topic input field. Both fields are required.

HiveMQ to Kafka Mapping
  • Select Kafka to HiveMQ to define the source Kafka topic from which you want to forward messages to your MQTT clients.
    The Confluent integration automatically publishes each new message from your specified source topic in Kafka to your HiveMQ broker with the MQTT topic you define in the destination topic input field. Both fields are required.

The HiveMQ Cloud Kafka integration supports a throughput of up to 250 MB per second. Messages are sent with QoS 0 by default.
  • To save your configuration and enable the integration, select Enable.

Aiven Integration - HiveMQ Cloud Serverless Plan

The HiveMQ Cloud Aiven Kafka integration makes it possible to move MQTT messages bidirectionally between HiveMQ Cloud and your existing Aiven service.

  • On the Integrations tab, select Configure on the Aiven card.
    A page to enter your Aiven Kafka Streaming Configuration opens.

Aiven Kafka Streaming Configuration
Aiven Connection Config - HiveMQ Cloud Serverless Plan

This area defines how HiveMQ Cloud connects to the selected Aiven Cloud Kafka cluster:

Aiven Connection Config
  • In the Bootstrap servers section, enter one or more bootstrap server URLs for the Kafka cluster to which you want your HiveMQ Cloud broker to connect. Use the format host:port. To add multiple server URLs, use a comma-separated string with the format host:port,host:port,…​.

  • In the Connection security section, enter your Kafka credentials to secure the connection between HiveMQ Cloud and Kafka.

  • In the Certificate authority section, add an Aiven certificate authority file to connect your HiveMQ broker securely to your Kafka cluster. You can download the necessary file through the Aiven web console.

Topic Mapping

The Topic Mapping area of the Aiven Kafka Streaming Configuration defines the bidirectional data flow between your HiveMQ Cloud cluster and your Aiven Kafka cluster:

HiveMQ to Kafka Mapping
  • Select HiveMQ to Kafka to define the source MQTT topic from which you want to forward messages to your Kafka cluster.
    The Aiven integration automatically forwards all messages published with the source MQTT topic to the Kafka topic that you specify in the destination topic input field. Both fields are required.

HiveMQ to Kafka Mapping
  • Select Kafka to HiveMQ to define the source Kafka topic from which you want to forward messages to your MQTT clients.
    The Aiven integration automatically publishes each new message from your specified source topic in Kafka to your HiveMQ broker with the MQTT topic you define in the destination topic input field. Both fields are required.

The HiveMQ Cloud Kafka integration supports a throughput of up to 250 MB per second. Messages are sent with QoS 0 by default.
  • To save your configuration and enable the integration, select Enable.

HiveMQ Cloud API Tokens - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

The HiveMQ Cloud REST API gives you the ability to customize permissions to suit your needs and automate numerous actions. Programmatic access to the HiveMQ Cloud API requires a valid API token.

Currently, the HiveMQ REST API is available for use with the HiveMQ Cloud Starter plan only.

For more information about the API, see HiveMQ Cloud REST API.

To view the API tokens that are active for the selected HiveMQ Cloud cluster or create new tokens, select API Access in the top navigation:

HiveMQ Cloud API Tokens Overview

Create HiveMQ Cloud API Token - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

To create an API token for your Starter cluster, select Create new token on the HiveMQ Cloud API Tokens overview:

  1. On the Create new API token page, enter a name for the new API access token. The name must be unique on the cluster and contain 5 to 16 alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z and 0-9).

    Create HiveMQ Cloud API Token
  2. In the API token permissions area, select the level of access the API token grants.

    • Select Full Access to grant all available permissions to the API token. The Full Access setting grants full control for the cluster including MQTT roles and permissions.

    • Select Custom to expand a list of the possible permissions. Activate or deactivate permission checkboxes to suit your business needs.

  3. Select Create API token to generate the API token.

  4. Copy and save the generated API token.

Make sure to copy your HiveMQ Cloud API token. Once you leave the page, you will not be able to view the content of the API token again!

Edit HiveMQ Cloud API Token - HiveMQ Cloud Starter Plan

To view, edit, or delete your existing HiveMQ Cloud API tokens, select API Access in the top navigation.

A list of the available API tokens for the selected cluster opens:

Edit HiveMQ Cloud API Tokens
  1. Select Edit for the desired HiveMQ Cloud API token and enter your changes.

HiveMQ Cloud Billing

The Billing page of the HiveMQ Cloud console provides detailed information on all current and previous charges to your HiveMQ Cloud account. Charges do not include state or local taxes.

If you have not yet created a cluster and entered your payment information, a form to enter credit card information displays on the Billing page. After you enter your credit card information, the credit card input form no longer displays. To request changes to your payment information, contact

Upcoming Invoice

In the Upcoming Invoice area, you can view your month-to-date costs and a detailed breakdown of the current usage charges for each of your clusters.

HiveMQ Cloud features a transparent pricing structure that is easy to calculate. You only pay for the services you use and there are no additional costs or termination fees.

The charges for each of your HiveMQ Cloud clusters vary based on the cluster type:

  • Pay As You Go: HiveMQ charges you monthly in accordance with the applicable HiveMQ SaaS Terms. You are charged for the maximum number of MQTT client sessions that are active per month ($ 0.10 / MQTT client session) and the data traffic ($0.15 / started GB) that you route via your cluster.

Data usage that exceeds the 100 GB of free data per month per cluster is charged at $0.15 per started GB.

At the end of the month, the calculation of total hours and total data usage rounds up to the nearest whole number. For example, 75 minutes of run time equals 2 hours of usage. After the 100 GB of free data in a monthly billing period, 850 MB of additional data equals 1 GB of billable data usage (US $0.15).

Available Upcoming Invoice Information

Item Description


Shows the month in which the cost of services you are using are currently being incurred.


Shows the total number of clusters to date that were active on your HiveMQ Cloud account in the current billing period. This total includes clusters that were deleted in the current period.


Shows the total hours to date of run time for all of your clusters in the current billing period.


Shows the total volume to date of billable data traffic from all of your clusters in the current billing period. If your HiveMQ Cloud cluster includes free traffic per month, only the traffic volume that exceeds that amount appears here.


Shows the total cost of your HiveMQ Cloud account to date in the current billing period.

Upcoming Invoice Details:
Item Description


The identifier of the selected cluster.


Shows the status of the cluster for billing purposes. The following states are possible:

  • Active: The cluster is currently running.

  • Inactive: The cluster was deleted.


Shows a breakdown of the total usage for each cluster in the billing period. The following usage details are provided:

  • Usage: The total runtime in hours for each cluster in the billing period.

  • Cost: The price per hour to run the cluster.

  • Price: The total usage cost for each cluster in the billing period.


Shows a breakdown of the billable data volume for each cluster in the billing period. The following usage details are provided:

  • Usage: The total volume of data over the 100 GB of free data that the cluster used in the billing period.

  • Cost: The price per GB for data after the 100 GB of free data per month ($0.15 per started GB over the 100 GB free limit).

  • Price: The total cost of data over the 100 GB of free data that the cluster used in the billing period.

Previous Invoices

The Previous Invoices area provides a complete history of your cost and usage on HiveMQ Cloud.

Available Previous Invoices Information

Item Description


The month in which the cost of services were incurred.


The total number of clusters that were active in the billing period.


The total usage in hours for all clusters in the billing period.


The total amount of billable traffic above the 100 GB free traffic per cluster in the billing period ($0.15 per started GB over the 100 GB free limit).


The total charges for all your clusters in the selected billing period.


A link to download a pdf of the invoice for the selected billing period.

Previous Invoices (expanded view)

Item Description


The identifier of each cluster in the billing period.


The status of the cluster for billing purposes. The following states are possible:

  • Active: The cluster is currently running.

  • Inactive: The cluster was deleted.


Shows a breakdown of the total usage for each cluster in the billing period. The following usage details are provided:

  • Usage: The total runtime in hours for each cluster in the billing period.

  • Cost: The price per hour to run the cluster.

  • Price: The total usage cost for each cluster in the billing period.


Shows a breakdown of the billable data volume for each cluster in the billing period.

  • Usage: The total volume of data over the 100 GB of free data that the cluster used in the billing period.

  • Cost: The price per GB for data after the 100 GB of free data per month ($0.15 per started GB over the 100 GB free limit).

  • Price: The total cost of data over the 100 GB of free data that the cluster used in the billing period.


If you want more information or need assistance with HiveMQ Cloud, we are always happy to help. Here are some ways to learn more about HiveMQ and HiveMQ Cloud:

  • To learn more about all the products and services HiveMQ offers take a look at the HiveMQ User Guide and visit the HiveMQ website.

  • For additional assistance, log in to your HiveMQ Cloud account, click Help in the main navigation, and select Contact Support to access the HiveMQ Cloud Support Portal.