Running HiveMQ in the Cloud

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers like Amazon Webservices (AWS) and Microsoft Windows Azure are good choices for building reliable and scalable infrastructures for your services or platforms. HiveMQ runs perfectly on any cloud infrastructure provider. This chapters provides step-by-step example configurations for popular IaaS providers. The prerequisites for every IaaS provider listed here are that you have a valid account for the desired service.

HiveMQ now offers a fully-managed, cloud-native IoT messaging platform that can connect IoT devices to any IoT cloud platform. For more information about simplified device-to-cloud bi-directional communication see, Welcome to HiveMQ Cloud.

Running HiveMQ on Amazon Webservices (AWS)

This procedure shows you how to install HiveMQ on an Amazon EC2 instance (if you use a Windows operating system, steps can vary):

  1. Navigate to Instances on your EC2 Dashboard in the AWS Management Console.

  2. Click Launch Instance and start the wizard to launch a new instance. Select the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS AMI. [1]

  3. Follow the wizard and configure your EC2 instance.

  4. Create a new Security Group called MQTT with a custom TCP Rule with port 1883.

  5. Enable SSH Access: Create a Security Rule with a custom TCP Rule with port 22.

  6. Finish the wizard to start the EC2 instance creation.

  7. Now, connect to your server instance via SSH.

  8. Execute the following command to install all required dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install unzip openjdk-7-jdk
  9. Get your evaluation version from our website.

  10. Copy the provided download link and download HiveMQ

    wget --content-disposition <your download link>
  11. Unzip HiveMQ:

  12. Start HiveMQ:

    cd hivemq-3.x.x

Running HiveMQ on Microsoft Azure

This procedure shows you how to install HiveMQ on an Azure Linux VM. (if you use a Windows operating system, steps can vary):

  1. Create a new Virtual Machine via the Azure Web interface and select Ubuntu 12.04 LTS as image. [1]

  2. After the Virtual Machine is created, open the standard MQTT port: 1883. Go to the Endpoint settings of your VM in the Azure Web interface and create a new endpoint. Use TCP as protocol and set the public and private port to 1883.

  3. Now, connect to your server instance via SSH.

  4. Execute the following command to install all required dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install unzip openjdk-7-jdk
  5. Get your evaluation version from our website.

  6. Copy the provided download link and download HiveMQ

    wget --content-disposition <your download link>
  7. Unzip HiveMQ:

  8. Start HiveMQ:

    cd hivemq-3.x.x

1. You can of course use other Linux distributions or Windows. In this case you most likely have to use other tools than apt-get to install the dependencies like Java.