HiveMQ Control Center

The HiveMQ Enterprise MQTT broker can handle millions of concurrently-connected MQTT clients and a throughput of billions of messages per hour.[1]
This massive load of clients and messages can be challenging to manage and monitor. To simplify the operation of MQTT deployments of every size, HiveMQ provides a specialized control center that gives you quick and reliable access to the key metrics of your HiveMQ installation.

In the control center, a wide range of analytics allows administrators to closely examine information for each client and quickly identify irregular client behavior. For example, easily recognize a client that drops messages.
The control center also provides a convenient way for administrators to complete administrative tasks such as disconnecting a specific client. Consistent with HiveMQ principles, the control center is designed to smoothly scale to millions of concurrently-connected MQTT clients.

For production environments, we highly recommend the use of a full monitoring setup in addition to your HiveMQ Control Center. There are many commercially-available monitoring solutions to choose from. For more information on the ready-to-use extensions for popular monitoring solutions that HiveMQ offers, visit the HiveMQ Marketplace.

Getting Started with HiveMQ Control Center

The HiveMQ Control Center automatically ships with HiveMQ and is enabled by default. No additional installation is required.

Starting with HiveMQ 4.32, you can access an open beta version of the newly designed HiveMQ Control Center v2 from the current Control Center main navigation or with the URL http://<host>:8080/v2/.
During the beta phase, you can explore and test Control Center v2 alongside the current Control Center version (v1).
However, although the new interface introduces many great features, v2 is not yet intended for use in production environments.
In the coming months, we will continue to enhance the functionality and usability of the interface with new features and eagerly encourage your feedback.

Enable or Disable the HiveMQ Control Center

The <enabled> option in the <control-center> section of your HiveMQ configuration allows you to enable or disable your HiveMQ Control Center:

  • To activate your control center, set the <enabled> option to true.

  • To deactivate your control center, set the <enabled> option to false.

Example default HiveMQ Control Center configuration
<?xml version="1.0"?>

View Your HiveMQ Control Center

The HiveMQ Control Center is part of the standard HiveMQ distribution and is a web application that you can access from your browser. You do not need to install any additional software on your computer to use the HiveMQ control center.

If a HiveMQ instance is running on your local machine and the default configuration of the HiveMQ Control Center is enabled, you can navigate to the http://localhost:8080/ URL to view your control center.

The default login for the control center is username admin and password hivemq.

Based on your particular HiveMQ setup, the URL for your HiveMQ Control Center can vary. It is also possible to configure the control center to be available via HTTPS. Contact your HiveMQ administrator for specific connection details.

For security reasons, the default setting of the HiveMQ Control Center only listens on the local network interface. To access the HiveMQ Control Center from another computer, you must modify the default configuration. For more information, see Access Control.